独立口语话题万 能理由素材

杭州编辑 2021-05-06 13:54

作为托福口语的第 一题, 校园类型的话题覆盖了大多数题目, 许多同学觉得自己单词和句子都掌握的很好, 但是到考试的时候短短的15秒钟却什么也想不出来, 脑子很空。对于这种情况,你只需要多积累素材和额外的单词短语就可以解决问题, 而积累素材zui有效的方法就是戏精上身, 也就是所谓的编造故事。


然而编造故事也是需要技巧和逻辑的,越细节的故事越让人相信, 缺少细节的故事看起来不但很平淡还无理无据,想象一下如果故事编的自己都不相信, 这个答案也无法让考官信服。在此, 老师就为各位同学提供了戏精化的万 能例子和理由, 同学们可以根据自身的经历和情况随意套用和更改。

1. 节约钱

独立口语很多话题都让我们阐述一个方法的利弊, zui有效的方式就是将方法延伸到钱上面, 也就是省钱, 但短短的一个save money肯定是不够的, 看看戏精版的省钱如何套用?

I’m only a student who doesn’t have regular income, so i need to save money in daily life. Otherwise, i can’t make my ends meet. However,....may cost me a lot of money. It’s a financial burden for me. What’s more, i would rather save the money to do other meaningful things, such as paying for my tuition, traveling or doing some charity.

zui有效的方式当然要哭穷, 比如自己没有稳定的经济来源(stable economic income), 所以需要省钱。除此之外,省钱还能干什么呢?当然是做有意义的事情啦, 比如付学费啦, 旅游或者其他的爱好。Such as记得拓展哦!

2. 环保

除了省钱外, 很多题目的理由也可以往环保上靠, 可以提出来自己曾经参加了什么环保的项目, 这些项目的过程是回收垃圾或者垃圾分类, 在这个过程中会让人环保意识(raise people’s environmental protection awareness)。

Protecting the environment is very important, because the world we live in is our only home. Last summer, i joined an environmental protection club named Beautiful Home. Once, we collected the recyclable rubbish in the downtown, such as plastics, cans, bottles and so on. Then we sent them to the recycle center. I think this kind of activity can’t only clean the city, but also strengthen citizen’s awareness of environment protection.

Make full use of the natural resources\can not only help the...to...,but also give myself a sense of accomplishment. I feel myself important.

3. 效率

好处除了节约金钱外肯定也包括节约时间, 比如这个方式更加高效 (high-efficient), 可是连用几个形容词就够了吗?看一下下面的例子:

Getting high efficiency is very important, because it enables to you get more things done in a short time. I’m a university student who has a lot of schoolwork to do, so i need to make sure getting high efficiency in study. I usually... to help myself keep my mind on study. In this way, i can be totally focused and concentrated.

既然是节约时间,不妨将自己的忙碌的生活描述一下来衬托时间对自己的重要性, 只有这样才能让别人觉得原来效率是这么重要。

4. 独立生活

zui近的独立口语也包括很多教育类型的题目, 比如是否应该让孩子独立生活一段时间来提高他们的独立性。如何提高独立性这个话题太过抽象了,但如果我们把它具像化, 就会很容易看清。

When i was a little kid, my parents taught me some life skills to cultivate my independence. For example, like, um, when i got 6? they taught me how to do some basic housework, such as doing laundry, washing dishes, vacuuming the floor and so on. Now, i am studying in a city which is far away from my hometown, but i can totally take care of myself and live independently. It’s not a difficult thing for me to adapt to the university life. Now, i am planning to learn how to cook, coz eating home-make food is healthier and economical.

依照这样的方式可以自己创造很多范文, 同学们不妨先将话题分类,之后再统一对内容进行汇总和构造答案, 这个答案就是你自己的, 到了考场也不会忘记。



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