1月16日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 学生不懂理财的原因和解决方案 !

杭州编辑 2021-01-18 17:29

2021年1月16 雅思大作文题目

In many countries students who leave high school have no understanding of how to manage their money.

What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to improve this important skill?




Is it a necessary skill that high school graduates understand how to manage their money? Although the answer is definitely “Yes”, few of them have mastered the skill. This happens for a couple of reasons; luckily, it is manageable.


★ 解析:自问自答,直截了当地开头

★ manageable: possible to deal with or control 



The first reason behind this undesirable situation is that there is no relevant curriculum(课程)provided in the school. It is not the schools to blame. As a matter of fact, worldwide, theconventional wisdom(世俗认知) is that high schoolers should focus more on core subjects like Math or History, and because of this, fundamental money lessons, including how tobudget(做预算) and where to put their money: bank deposit or the stock market(银行存款或股票市场), are overlooked(忽视 vt.). The children’s inability in money-managing is also due to the lack of parental guidance. Most of the parents themselves are unqualified to lecture(讲授 vi.) on topics like risk management(风险管理). Even though they are professionally trained, they dare not to give a large sum of money to their children for investment practice; instead, they would rather give a limited sum of pocket money.


★ 解析:从不同角度(学校、老师、家庭、父母、学生自己等)分析原因

★ 原因1:在学校,普遍不重视理财课

★ 原因2:在家里,没有机会练手



To change this, the first solution, in response to the first reason identified above, is to add the financial literacy class(金融知识课)as a compulsory lesson(必修课). Such a class should provide a real-world simulation(模拟) and personal-finance competitions (个人理财竞赛), encouraging schoolers to manipulate(操控 vt.)the virtual currency (虚拟货币) to complete transactions or investments(交易或投资). Another solution, to the second reason above, is for parents to give their children more freedom. This means children are allowed to participate in the management of household finances, for example, taking on student-loan debt before entering in university.


★ 解析:从不同角度(学校、老师、家庭、父母、学生自己等)分析应对措施

★ 措施1:必修金融知识课(理财模拟、理财竞赛)

★ 措施2:参与家庭财务管理(学生贷款)



In conclusion, since the large number of high schoolers are unable to manage their money, it is imperative to figure out feasible ways according to the reasons behind. If schools and parents alike make changes, I believe that the young would avoid making financial mistakes in the real world.





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