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2014年11月24日 04:17 供稿单位:互联网  责编:[freemarker标签异常,请联系网站管理员]  浏览0

我们又不是native speaker,怎么说才能让我们的口语听起来够地道呢?看美剧吧。无心人看多少美剧进步不是有限的,地道的口语需要大量的练习也需要用心去积累。下面总结了一些我们常见的词汇,但有可能你从来就没想过他们竟居然还可以这样用。

我们又不是native speaker,怎么说才能让我们的口语听起来够地道呢?看美剧吧。无心人看多少美剧进步不是有限的,地道的口语需要大量的练习也需要用心去积累。下面总结了一些我们常见的词汇,但有可能你从来就没想过他们居然还可以这样用。

  1. cheesy: (太夸张)melodramatic, corny (synonym), trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthentic (Ex: “I love her so much I am going to die.” “Haha you sound soo cheesy.”) “exaggerate” 是不是可以让它先休息休息了呢?

  2. chicken: (胆小鬼)coward (Ex: “Stop being a chicken and try the rollercoaster ride!”). chicken 在这里听起来比coward会更加地道一些。

  3. dorky: (另类的,愚蠢的)strange; peculiar; A dork is someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. (Ex: "Kate Perry portrayed a dorky girl in her music video for the song 'Last Friday Night.'")

  4. freebie: (免费赠品)something that does not cost money (Ex: “Where did you buy that pen?” “Oh this? It’s a freebie I got at the carnival.”). 类似的,还有“买一赠一”:buy one get one free/ two for one.购物的时候可要看清楚不要错过这样的好机会。

  5. full-on: (全力以赴) powerful, with maximum effort. (Ex: “I’m going to study full-on for this next exam.”)

  6. go bananas: (发疯,情绪失控)go slightly crazy (Ex: “Love is making you go bananas.”)

  7. hammered: (醉了)very drunk (Ex: “Dude, stop drinking, you are already hammered.”)

  8. kicks: (鞋子)shoes (Ex: “Wow, nice kicks!”). While, “Just for kicks” is a phrase that means, “Just for fun.” The term, kicks, in this case does not mean shoes.

  9. laid back: (放松的)relaxed; calm (Ex: “Why are you so laid back? The exam is in 30 minutes!”)

  10. lame: (拙劣的) incompetent, bad (Ex: “I saw you cheating on the test.” “So what?” “Ugh, you are so lame.”)

  11. love handles: (腰间赘肉) excess fat around the waist (Ex: “Honey, it’s okay, I love you AND your love handles.”)

  12. screw up: (弄糟,犯错)to make a mistake (Ex: “I’m sorry for lying to you, I screwed up, big time.”)

  13. sick: (很棒的)awesome, so cool, amazing; a term used more commonly among hip hop dancers (Ex: “Dude, you’ve got some sick moves!”). sick 从来就是表示恶心、不舒服,从来没想到老美居然这样用。

