Foods and drinks that contain high levels of sugar, salt, or fats have harmful health effects when consumed in great quantities. Some people believe that governments should make these unhealthy foods and drinks more expensive by taxing them. The tax (money paid to the government) would discourage consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks and raise money for future health-care costs. Other people believe that consumers buying foods and drinks should not pay any additional tax, even if the foods or drinks are unhealthy. Which viewpoint do you agree with, and why?因为垃圾食品会让人不健康,有的人认为应该给这些垃圾食品征税使其更贵,这样会减少人们的购买,并且为未来医疗保健费用筹集资金。而其他人认为不应该征税。你怎么看?好不容易读完了题目,很多同学当场愣住,可能是对这个话题不熟悉无从下笔,或者基本上只能想到一个最简单的分论点。
如果你曾经刷过 TPO 53 综合写作,你就会发现和这篇独立写作的话题几乎是一模一样的。这篇综合写作阅读的主题是:对吸烟和其他不健康产品收税的好处;而听力反驳了这些好处。和这篇独立写作的话题几乎是类似的~只是这篇独立写作没有讲到吸烟这个事情。
那我们一起来复习下 TPO 53这篇综合写作的主要内容和分论点,阅读文章如下:

2.财政上是公平的(financially fair):不健康的人需为自己的行为产生的医疗费用负责,对不吸烟和健康饮食的人相对公平。人们也会继续购买喜欢的不健康食物,哪怕更贵,这样用于购买健康食物的钱就更少了两个人吸同样多的烟,对于相对低收入者来说,税收是更大的经济负担。食物收税同理。这些税会带来高额财政收入,政府容易依赖这些收入,不想失去他们,因此政府就不会be forceful enough去推行法律政策来消除这些不健康行为。举例:政府可能不会采取彻底的措施去禁止户外吸烟,因为他们不想失去这笔财政收入。好了,梳理了一遍这篇TPO的阅读和听力之后,我们发现这道独立写作题完全可以借鉴这篇综合写作的分论点来写~!
Foods and drinks that contain high levels of sugar, salt, or fats have harmful health effects when consumed in great quantities. Some people believe that governments should make these unhealthy foods and drinks more expensive by taxing them. The tax (money paid to the government) would discourage consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks and raise money for future health-care costs. Other people believe that consumers buying foods and drinks should not pay any additional tax, even if the foods or drinks are unhealthy. Which viewpoint do you agree with, and why?(e.g. 有的穷人因为税收高了,会选择更不健康的食物来减少开支;e.g. 有的人已经习惯于吃不健康的食物,哪怕更贵他们也还是会吃并且花更多钱,反而减少了他们在健康食物和医疗上的花费,导致更不健康)分论点2:会增加人们的经济负担,尤其是对低收入者。分论点3:政府收税来”raise money for future health-care cost”,政府可能会因为依赖这笔税收而不能有效制止人们这种不健康饮食行为。这样,刷过这道题的同学只需要巧妙地把ETS所给的阅读和听力文本中的分论点运用到自己的独立写作中,就可以顺利解题啦~
我们要把TPO的文章充分运用好呀~快来一起看看这篇TPO综合和阅读中有哪些语料可以运用在这篇独立写作中吧!● the high rate of taxation on… 在…方面的高税率● government-supported services 政府支持的服务● engage in unhealthy behaviors 从事不健康行为● unhealthy activities 不健康行为● implement policies 实施政策● eliminate unhealthy behaviors 消除不健康行为