1. Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth‐century novelists, who believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,” and that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.”
2. Indeed, in the last 25 years, in an effort to raise financial support at a rate nearly triple that of the rest of society, the scientific community may have promised too much too soon.
3. To take a notorious example, the European trade regulations restricting the varieties of fruit and vegetable seeds permitted for sale within the European Community have for years been viewed as potentially disastrous by scientists.
4.Deception of an innocent kind is their intention; asked if the picture is genuine, few of them, I imagine, would lie. Nor would they be wise to.
5. Nevertheless, despite the overwhelmingly conservative assumptions of most Americans, we are in fact in the throes of a genuine and dramatic revolution in our culture, and it behooves us to understand it before passing judgment.
6. While an entertainment‐driven, celebrity‐oriented society is not necessarily one that destroys all moral value, as some would have it, it is one in which the standard of value is whether something can grab and then hold the public's attention.
7. In an increasingly noisy cultural scene, with many voices competing for attention, one feels—perhaps incorrectly but nonetheless(nevertheless) insistently—the need to make one's own small stir, however pathetic.
8. Indeed,what might Mercator have thought were, it suggested to him, that his scheme would one day be used to plot landscapes so far from terrestrial in aspect as to reflect back, in their magnificent alienness , the very idea of an old and exhausted Earth?
9. One would like to ask, for instance,from what social classes artists were more likely to come at different periods of history. Or what proportion of painters and sculptors came from families in which their fathers or close relatives were painters and sculptors or engaged in related professions?
10. While the aristocracy has always provided the lion's share of the patronage and the audience for art—as the aristocracy of wealth does even in our more democratic days—it has contributed little beyond amateurish efforts to the creation of art itself, despite the fact that aristocrats (like many women) have had more than their share of educational advantages, plenty of leisure and, like women,were often encouraged to dabble in the arts.