Describe someone you really like to spend time with (New)
You should say
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What you usually do together
And explain why you like to spend time with him/her
首先是Who/how可以一起回答,很多同学的想法是best friend 。
没有朋友的同学,也可以使用自己的想象力编造一个imaginary friend,完全不会影响自己的成绩。
Example1: My best friend called xxx—have known for xxx yrs—the first time—primary school/middle school/university—classmate/dormmate (室友)
另外一种解读也可以是家人,长辈 like grandma/grandpa—很多同学应该有被爷爷奶奶抚养长大的经历。
Example 2: my beloved (挚爱的)grandpa—childhood—be raised by—patient person—be willing to answer my silly questions again and again/a retired Chinese history—told me stories before I went to sleep
Example:Be really keen on listening to music—a good way to chill out—go to concert together—xxx yrs ago—our favorite singer—left a deep impression on
1. 长相—gorgeous/charming/adorable—sparkling eyes/long black hair—have a good mood—forget about my troubles/bad feelings
2. 性格—warm-hearted+助人为乐的例子/humorous + 讲笑话的例子
3. 财富—带我吃expensive food 如最近很火的omakase日料
Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired (New)
You should say
What it is
How it was broken
How you got it repaired
And explain how you felt about it
What--电子产品是最容易说的一类:Iphone/Ipad/camera. 相比很多同学都有这方面的经历,电子产品摔在了地上,屏幕碎 了,然后到专卖店维修。我们只需要把这个产品特殊化,整个故事就会变得很完整。
Example: ---Iphone 13 pro max 1TB (远峰蓝)—most advanced so far—got it from sb (friend/gf/bf/parents)—b-day gift—expensive—pay much attention to—even bought an expensive case (保护壳 )—brand--Louis Vuitton—夸张一点
第二类:具有几年意义的东西:如奖杯,奖状,爷爷的画,family photo 等。
Example:a trophy—hope cup—painting competition—the only competition
How—打坏的方式+感受 +解释,自己不小心打坏 drop to the ground—made me feel upset—调皮的人 or 宠物打坏 be broken by—accidentally—feel upset and angry-- a symbol of my childhood/means a lot to me
1. 专卖店—insurance—免费换新/花钱自己 维修—金钱
2. 可靠的人—如best friend/grandparents—能力强
1. 数码产品好政策/花钱不多—感到relieved
2. 非常幸运生活中能够有这样的人