a.制作工序图通常会在图下方标注出一些与图相关的动词或动词短语,如下图1(拉到下面例题)的pick the coffee beans等,所以写作时一定要充分利用这些动词,尽量避免使用一些生僻词汇。有时为避免重复,可以使用一些已给词的同义词或近义词进行替换,如用collect或gather替换pick。
b.由于大部分工序图很少会在图上标注人,所以写作时多用被动语态的句型,即:材料+be+动作(过去分词)+into/by +器具。
a.表示先后顺序的连接词主要有:首先at first, firstly; 其次then, and then, after then, after that, at the next stage;最后at last, finally等。
b.而想冲刺高分的同学还应掌握连接手段的使用,既能使句子衔接自然,又能避免连接词重复。主要有:①…, after which+被动句②…, before being done…两种具体用法将在范文中体现。
a.制作工序图通常都会有5到10步,甚至更多,而有些步骤在制作过程及连接上十分紧密,可以将这些相邻步骤在同一并列句中表示,如下图中前4步进程关系相连且表达上也很简单,所以可写成:Once coffee beans are picked in the fields when they are ripe, these beans are then dried, roasted and cooled, before being put into a grinding machine, in which the cooled beans are converted into coffee granules.
The diagram below shows how coffee is produced and prepared for sale in supermarkets and shops.
The flow chart illustrates the process of coffee manufacture and preparation for sale on the market.
The whole process starts from the collection of coffee beans. Once the beans are picked [1被动句型]when they are ripein the fields, they are then dried, roasted and cooled[2并列句表示相邻步骤],before being put into a grinding machine [3连接手段 ②],in which the cooled beans are converted into coffee granules [4非限定从连接相邻步骤].
At the next stage [5连接词], the ground coffee is mixed with hot water and the resulting mixture is strained, after which the mixture is frozen and passed through the grinder once again[6连接手段①], Then, the ground, frozen liquid is dried in a vacuum so that the water evaporates, leaving the coffee granules[7伴随状语]. At last, these granules are packed into coffee jarsfor salein supermarkets and stores.
Overall, it is clear that the production of coffee consists of eleven stages, beginning with the picking of coffee beans and ending at the packing stage[8伴随状语].