第二种情况,多柱子。这个情况比较麻烦,数据少比如每个组里就两个柱子,可以全写,如果数据比较多,比如每个组里有六个柱子,那就取几个或 者最小的就行,也就是说在比较的过程中想要拿到想要的结果就要找对比鲜明的那一对就对了。把对比最鲜明的几个柱子描述清楚,其他的可以一带而过。
You should spend about 20 minutes on the task.
The bar chart below shows the number of male and female students studying at secondary and higher levels of education across Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and East Asia.
Write a report for a university lecturer comparing and contrasting the information from the two charts below.
You should write at least 150 words.
The graphs illustrate the percentage of males and females studying at secondary and higher levels of education in Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and East Asia. As can be seen from the graph, the overall trends generally suggest that more male and female students attend secondary education than higher education across these parts of the world, with females proving to be slightly higher than males.
Firstly, in regards to Europe, males and females studying at a secondary education level peaked at nearly 100% but declined to just under half that amount for higher education. However, in Sub- Saharan Africa secondary education was much lower with females reaching only 19% and males 10%.
A similar low level of higher education exists for Sub-Saharan students with females falling to 16% and males sharply rising to 18%.
Latin America and East Asia both show a similar decline from secondary to higher education with Latin American males and female’s numbers falling from 47% to 27%, and 39% to 22% respectively, and East Asian males and female’s numbers dropping from 39% to 21% and 50% to 21% respectively.
In conclusion, apart from male students in Sub-Saharan Africa, generally higher education seems noticeably less popular for male and female students in these parts of the world.