Parents generally believe it istheir responsibility to plan the careers for their children. They claim thatthey know their children well enough to decide what kind of job suits them.Hoping that their children will go in for professions that will bring them thegreatest prestige and economic benefit, many parents think that their childrenare too young to see this for themselves. There are some parents who evenexpect their children to take over the careers of their fathers. For thesereasons, many parents insist that theirchildren should obey them in choosingcareers.
But many children suggest that theyshould be left free to choose their own careers. For one thing, parents andchildren may not share the same interest. A job that appeals is likely to beboring for their children. For another, children have been brought up in adifferent age from their parents’, and therefore, should be allowed tocultivate a spirit of independence and self-reliance. In short, children shouldbe free to make their own decisions as to future careers.
In my opinion, in this case as inmany other things, mutual understanding is important. On the one hand, parents’view does reflect theirconcern for the well-being of their children. On theother hand, after all it is the children who will be doing the jobs. Therefore,it will be wise for parents to give them this freedom while for the childrenthey should consult their parents when it is necessary.