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2012-09-07 09:53



Are question types limited to one section in the Reading test?
No, they aren't. However, you will usually find summary gap-fills in Section 3 only.

Can I ask the examiner questions?
The examiner is not allowed to answer any questions to help you understand the Reading test.

Can I write on the question paper?

Can I change my answer after I've written it on the answer sheet?

Can I use a pen?
No, you must use a pencil.

Can I use correction fluid?
No, you may only use an eraser or cross your answer out.

Are there penalties for the wrong answers in Reading Test?
No, there aren't. If you are not sure of an answer, you should guess.

Should I answer the questions in sequence, i.e. Section 1, then 2 and then 3?
It is a good idea because the texts get progressively longer and the questions more difficult.

Should I write the answers in the question booklet first and transfer them to the answer sheet at the end?
No, this is a complete waste of time.

How long should I spend on each question?
There are 40 questions in the test and you have an hour, so you have an average of 1.5 minutes per question. Therefore you should spend approximately 20 minutes on each section.

Why does it waste time if you read the text first and then answer the questions?
You will never have to read every word of any text to answer the questions. Your aim is to answer the questions, so you should practice scanning and skimming in order to locate the answers as quickly as possible.

If there are only 10 minutes left but I still have 10 questions to answer, what should I do?
You should continue answering the questions using the appropriate strategies, but if you really run out of time you should guess.

What should I do if I can't find the answer to one of the questions in the Reading Test?
Don't waste lots of time looking for the answer to one question. Keep an eye on the time. If necessary, leave it and come back to it later. If you still can't find it, then guess.

Is it important to spell answers correctly?
If the spelling errors are serious your answer may be marked incorrect.

Does the answer have to be grammatically accurate in the 'complete with up to 3 words' questions?
There are 2 types of these questions. When you have to 'complete a sentence' the answer should be grammatically correct. However, when you have to 'answer a question in no more than 3 words’ the answer does not have to be a complete, grammatically correct sentence.

When I write short answers, I often use words from the text. Do I always have to use the same word form as the word in the text?
No, not always. You will sometimes have to change the form of some words—from nouns to adjectives, from verbs to gerunds, and so on.

If the instruction says to write a letter of the alphabet on the answer sheet, but instead I write the answer in full, is that all right?

The answer will probably be marked wrong.

What is the difference between a statement that is FALSE and NOT GIVEN?
If an answer is FALSE, you must be able to find that the opposite is true somewhere in the text. If there is no complete information about something then it is NOT GIVEN.

Is it possible to answer a question with TRUE or FALSE if the answer is only implied and not specifically written?
No, it must be stated, although it might not necessarily be in the same words.

How do I improve my reading?
By reading more often—including a greater variety of texts, brochures, posters, etc.—and by practicing the various skills described in this book.

How do I interpret my scores?
Since the tests are scaled according their level of difficulty, you cannot say that 50% = Band 5. However you can use that as a rough guide. So if you are regularly getting 75% of the questions right, you are doing well.

Will the time be announced during the test?
Yes. The invigilators are supposed to give various time warnings during the test.






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