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2012-07-31 10:49




Describe a classmate of yours

Describe a good friend

Describe a happy person

Describe a colleague

Describe a neighbor

Describe your own personality

Describe a family member

Describe a child you know

Describe an old person

Describe an old person who has influenced you the most

Describe a successful person

Describe a singer

Describe a sportsman

Describe a movie star

Describe a character in TV or movie

Describe a teacher of yours

Describe a famous person that you want to spend a day with.


Describe a building at schools

Describe a historical place

Describe a monument

Describe an interesting building

Describe a lake, river or sea.

Describe a peaceful place

Describe a leisure place

Describe a park

Describe a place of interest

Describe a natural beauty

Describe a city you want to live in

Describe a place you have visited

Describe a place you always go for shopping

Describe a restaurant you often go to

Describe a club or pub

Describe an exhibition

Describe a hotel

Describe your ideal house

Describe your favorite room in your house

Describe your accommodation

Describe a quiet place.


Describe your favorite book

Describe a book you want to write

Describe a newspaper or magazine

Describe a photo

Describe a gift

Describe something important to you

Describe a painting

Describe a piece of cloth or jewelry

Describe something expensive that you want to buy

Describe a handicraft

Describe a piece of art work

Describe a piece of traditional clothes

Describe a pet

Describe a wild animal

Describe a letter

Describe a toy

Describe a dish that you like

Describe a website you often go to

Describe a way of transportation

Describe a way of communication


Describe a happy event

Describe a family event

Describe a piece of good family news

Describe a success in your life

Describe an important decision in your life

Describe a positive change in your life

Describe a special meal

Describe a party

Describe a birthday celebration

Describe a wedding

Describe an exciting trip

Describe a visit

Describe an exciting experience

Describe a cultural event

Describe an economic event

Describe a festival

Describe a 3-day holiday.

Describe a short course

Describe a school trip

Describe an achievement

Describe a bad weather

Describe a difficult thing

Describe a project you finished with others

Describe s kill that you want to learn


Describe your favorite advertisement

Describe your favorite movie

Describe your favorite music

Describe your favorite TV program

Describe a story you know

Describe your favorite relaxation method.

Describe your ideal job

Describe a business you want to start

Describe an advantage in your character

Describe an ambition of yours

Describe your favorite period of time in a day






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雅思考前点题班 1个月内准备参加雅思考试的学生 980元 查看
雅思强化冲7分班 词汇量在4500左右的高中生或者大学生 3380元 查看
雅思强化冲6.5分班 通过大学6级考试或者雅思已经考过6分的学员 2680元 查看
雅思精品冲6.5分班 词汇量在3500左右的高中生或者大学生 5280元 查看
雅思入门冲6.5分班 词汇量在2500左右的高中生或者大学生 6980元 查看
雅思精品冲6分班 词汇量在3500左右的高中生或者大学生 2980元 查看


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