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2012-07-10 14:04



1. To carry out his economic programs, Roosevelt had to contend with a Supreme Court that was deeply opposed to those programs.
a. travel
b. surrender
c. struggle
d. join

2. Being unable to write clearly is a liability in a business career. In business, one must often express opinions and ideas in writing.
a. drawback
b. surprise
c. necessity
d. penalty

3. The idea that off-track betting will work in Alaska because it works in New York is a questionable analogy. New York and Alaska may not be alike when it comes to off-track betting.
a. comparison
b. purpose
c. contrast
d. requirement

4. Indigenous life forms—the cactus and the camel in the desert, the polar bear and the seal in the Arctic, and so on—are suited to their environment in very specific ways.
a. native
b. dangerous
c. extinct
d. recent

5. There is an optimum way to approach each kind of exam question. For a multiple-choice item, for example, first eliminate any clearly wrong answers. For an essay question, jot down an outline first.
a. inconvenient
b. best
c. annoying
d. time-consuming

6. Studies indicate that a predisposition to schizophrenia is inherited. People who are schizophrenic are more likely than others to have schizophrenic children.
a. tendency
b. understanding
c. fear
d. avoidance

7. By giving military aid to dictatorships in Latin America, the United States has seemed to sanction their cruel policies.
a. criticize
b. approve
c. remember
d. create

8. A provocative question can be an effective way to open an essay. Students have begun essays with such interesting questions as, "What do you think your name means?" and "How long do you think it would take you to count to one billion?"
a. funny
b. arousing interest
c. unanswerable
d. very brief

9. Manic depression is an emotional disorder in which the patient alternates between feeling delightfully euphoric and being plunged into deep gloom.
a. overjoyed
b. bored
c. exhausted
d. curious

10. What makes up a true work of art? Although no single criterion seems adequate, the novelist James Joyce suggested three standards: "wholeness, harmony and radiance."
a. novel
b. question
c. artist
d. standard


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