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2012-06-28 12:56


What is IELTS:

IELTS (the International English Language Testing System) provides an assessment of whether candidates are ready to study or train through the medium of English. It is recognised by higher and further education institutions as fulfilling English language entrance requirements and by professional bodies such as the General Medical Council. It is readily available in 251 approved test centres in 105 countries around the world who arrange tests according to demand.

IELTS writing examination:

For the academic module, there are two writing tasks, as I am sure you know. In Task 1 you need to write a minimum of 150 words in about 20 minutes and in Task 2 a minimum of 250 words in about 40 minutes.

In Task 1 you are asked to look at a diagram or table or bar chart and then to organise and present the data in your own words in the form of a general report suitable for a university lecturer or tutor. Scripts are assessed on the criteria of:

task fulfilment

coherence and cohesion

vocabulary and sentence structure.


How to prepare for the Task 1:

So that you satisfy the task fulfilment requirements, it is a good idea to spend a minute or two at the beginning, making sure that you understand the information given and can represent it accurately in your answer. Remember all that your are doing is transferring tabulated information to a continuous discourse medium. You are not required to comment on it. 请不要评论。

And finally, in your reply to this question, try to use an appropriate range of vocabulary and sentence structures, as suggested by the question itself. The focus should be on appropriacy rather than breadth of expression.



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雅思强化冲7分班 词汇量在4500左右的高中生或者大学生 3380元 查看
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雅思精品冲6分班 词汇量在3500左右的高中生或者大学生 2980元 查看


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