综合点评: 总体来说稍有难度,据部分考生反映二三部分语速较快。题型方面依然延续了主流的题型安排,即part1&4填空,中间两篇为选择类题目。场景方面,生活类场景涉及到的是旅行和场馆介绍,学术类场景涉及到第二语言阅读和植物相关内容。
Part 1. 新题
2.a map
3. 5 hours
4.child seat
5.bird watching
7.phone number: 01743228906
10. post office
part 1点评:本场部分为高频的旅游类场景,涉及到的单词相对基础,题型也都为填空题,难度适中。
Part2. 旧题 机经119页 No. 132
career center introduction
11.为什么早晨去B. more job opportunities
12.他们哪方面有了改善A. longer appointment
13.如果不预约直接去会有什么样的帮助?B. fill the applications
14.有资金支持做什么样的培训?C. communication skills
15.中心提供的什么东西是免费的?C. computers
16.曾经从该中心找到工作的人,大多数都认为A. 提高了职业地位
17-20 匹配
17.profiles: A. employer’s files
18.self-access: E. salaries
19.occupational file: B. job description
20. booklets: E. training opportunity
part 2点评:第二部分涉及到对于一个工作中心的介绍,其中前半题为单选,后半题为配对,据同学反映难度偏高。
Part3. 新题
21-25 选择
21.Gary struggled to finish the first draft of his essay because he
B. had misunderstood the requirements of the assignment
22. Gary cannot have an extension because
C. the tutor needs time to mark his essay
23. In Gary’s opinion, the problem with Grace and Leland’s survey was that it
A. did not question students
24. What does the tutor maintain about researcher Julie Holland
C. Holland’s research supports the findings of Grace and Leland
25. The speakers agree that children make most progress when they
A. have already learned to read well in their first language
26-30 匹配
26.The introduction: D. not specific enough
27.The first section: B. real-life examples needed
28. The second section: F. not enough references
29. The third section: H. inappropriate style
30. The bibliography: E. Misspelled words
part 3点评:第三部分录音内容为第二语言阅读。由于题型为单选和配对,难度还是比较高的。建议学生在备考时多总结错误选项特征,即排除法,以备不时之需。
Part4. 新题
1.it is illegal to have knotweed planted in your land
2.knotweed has large leaves shaped like a heart
3.it thrives even in salty areas
4. knotweed is popular with bees
5. it was first found on the sides of a volcano
6. it is very damaging to the foundations of houses
7. it should be disposed in areas lined with a type of plastic
8. The UK: frequent movement of soil
9. an expensive method of treating it is poison. But it is unreliable
10. biological control is not successful because of changes in temperature.
part 4点评:第四部分是一种植物的介绍,题型都为填空,涉及到的词汇难度适中,相较前两篇题目,本题算是比较容易把握的。
Part 1 2 红色题为必备考题,紫色题为第二重点准备。
三大题:Work or study/ Hometown/ Accommodation
Part 1 必备考题
Dream and ambition/Ice cream/Concentration/Fixing things/Friends/Rain/Day off/Bags/Teachers/Wild animals/Health/Language/Week/The city you live in/riding a bike
Staying up/Music/Schools/Chocolate/Small business/Outer space and stars/Jewelry/Weekends/T-shirt/Keys/Happy/Library/Fast food /Noise/Art
Part 2
Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place
Describe someone you know who often helps others
Describe a famous person you are interested in
Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town
Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future
Describe an ideal house where you want to live
Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people
Describe a car journey that you remember well
Describe a talk/speech experience that you gave to a group of people
Describe an happy experience in your childhood
Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child
Describe an occasion when you got lost
Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future
Describe an important decision you have made
Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of money
Describe a book that you have read many times
Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger
Describe a film you have recently seen that you felt disappointed about
Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life
Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing
Describe a sports program you like to watch
Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy
Describe an interesting job you would like to do
Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with
Describe a character from a film
Describe a person you have met who you want to work / study with
Describe an interesting old person you met
Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time
Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax
Describe a noisy place you have been to
Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted
Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall / park)
Describe an unusual meal you had
Describe something that you did with someone / a group of people
Describe the first day you went to school that you remember
Describe a time when you taught a friend / relative something
Describe a time when you missed or late for a meeting
Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use
Describe a historical period you would like to know more
Describe a website you often visit
Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well
Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger
You should say:
What the game was
Where you played it
Who you played it with
And explain why you enjoyed playing the game
首先希望大家区分 game和sports, 这个话题的game,请尽量不说成体育项目,篮球足球这些。所以通常来说有三类game。
首先,是传统意义上game。捉迷藏hide-and-seek,老鹰捉小鸡Eagle & Chicken,一二三木头人one two three,stop 等等。
其次是桌游board game,大富翁 monopoly, 飞行棋 flying chess等。
最后一种就是电子游戏e-game,例如愤怒的小鸟angry birds,植物大战僵尸Plants vs. Zombies(中间那个VS,是versus /?v??s?s/),汤姆猫等等。(因为是你小时候玩的,所以不可能是最近刚推出的新款游戏)。
然后我们把和谁(friends, neighbours ,relatives, classmates等),在哪里(where),什么时候(after school, weekends, holidays等)说清楚,举举例子。
Some people think the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
这道题大部分同学的思路,认为不是最好的方法,也是可以拿到6-6.5的,但是从TR 7 的思路,应该选择完全不同意的写法,即论述既不是一个方法,也不是最好的方法:因为驾驶年龄和年纪没有什么太大的联系:在现在的驾驶年龄,人们已经拥有安全驾驶的能力和意识。
ldrive illegally before reaching the legal age,
llack of experience
lenhancing road safety.
limprove driver education programs and instruction for learners,
lbetter prepared regardless of age.
lintroduce graduated licensing systems
lface restrictions
ldemonstrate safe driving over time
lenforcing existing road rules and traffic laws
阅读考试有两篇文章命中了九分达人系列中的原题,P2为《九分达人6》TEST1PASSAG2 BESTCOM - Considerate computing, P3为《九分达人3》TEST3PASSAGE3的accidental scientists.今天考试的填空题的类型很丰富,包含表格题,简答题,流程填图题,句子填空。整体基础填空判断题数量还是很友好的。但第三篇的list of headings 搭配单选题携手出现,很考验学生的时间安排。
Passage 1:Artwork of slow food
分析:今天的p1出现了久违的简答题,这类填空题在剑桥真题17,18中找不到痕迹,但是考试时还是有出现,比如去年的7月23日的p2出现了与list of headings搭配出现了6题一组的情况。考生们在复习时要注意覆盖到所有题型。另外这是一篇三组题组合的p1,可参考剑18test1passage1进行练习。
参考答案:1-6 T F T NG F NG
7 unique 8 limited 9 unchanging 10 eggs 11 four 12 chefs 13 consumers
Passage 2: BESTCOM - Considerate computing 《九分达人6》 TEST1PASSAGE2
类别: 科技
分析:今天的P2命中《九分达人6》 TEST1PASSAGE2的BESTCOM - Considerate computing,这篇文章主要描写了对未来电话系统的期待,它的工作原理以及对它的展望。文章基本一致,但是题目稍有修改。
参考答案:14-19 NG T T T F NG
20 clues 21 relationship 22message 23 reschedule 24 voicemail 25 cellphone 26 meeting
Passage 3:Accidental scientists 《九分达人3》TEST3PASSAGE3
题型配比:段匹6+单选5+ 填空3
分析:今天的P3算是hard 模式,最耗费时间的单选题和list of headings两个题型组合出现在第三篇,更考验每位考生的时间管理,好在填空题的难度不大。今天的P3命中《九分达人3》TEST3PASSAGE3的Accidental scientists偶然的科学家。题目稍有修改,但是题型组合基本与九分达人上的这篇符合。文章里讲到了科学发现的核心所存在的一个悖论:如果你已经知道自己所要追寻的东西,那么要找到它就很难算是一个发现,因为它早已被你预料到了;但是,另一方面,如果你完全不知道自己在找寻什么,那么当你找到它时,你也会浑然不知,也就无所谓发现了。文章就从这个议题展开了讨论。
参考答案:27-32 v ix i vi x viii
33-37 CBDDA
38 Horace Walpole 39 fairy tale 40 Sri Lanka