7月15日的考试结束了,雅思听力部分整体难度不高,Part 1, Part 2以及Part 4都为原题,填空题部分今日考试占比较大,所以对于词汇部分的储备,还是建议学生们课后多去积累。
Part 1 搬家租房:
1.contact work phone
2.come from Simerton west
3.a child almost 3 years’ old
4.type of accommodation: flat
5.location: in the north
6.extra request; close to a park
7.need a pool
8.maximum rent: 650
9.date to move in: December 15th
10.need to book a hotel
Part 2: 煤炭博物馆
11~15 填空
11.the museum was closed down in the year of 1988
12.mine museum includes the social and technological aspect
13.tourists are recommended to take a tour underground for 1 hour by the ex-miner
14.if you do not come, please contact the reception
15.for a relax, please go to restroom area next to the staff office
16~17 多选
What souvenirs are sold beside the postcards?
B. clothes
E. drinks
18~20 地图题
B. lecture theater
A. bookstore
C. lift entrance
Part 3 关于包装的讨论,选择+匹配 暂缺
Part 4 : 填空 服装的历史
31. People were more interested in the gold
32. In good condition because there was no water
33. and because it was frozen
34. Egypt has better climate
35. it was kipt in a university
36. Research done in a cave dating back to 700 years ago.
37. trading pottery and production of agricultures
38. man are doing something without iron
39. women produced cloth at home
40. when silk reached the countries from China
Part 1 2 红色题为必备考题,紫色题为第二重点准备。
三大题:Work or study/ Hometown/ Accommodation
Part 1 必备考题
Dream and ambition/Ice cream/Concentration/Fixing things/Friends/Rain/Day off/Bags/Teachers/Wild animals/Health/Language/Week/The city you live in
Staying up/Music/Schools/Chocolate/Small business/Outer space and stars/Jewelry/Weekends/T-shirt/Keys/Happy/Library/Fast food /Noise/Art
Part 2
Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place
Describe someone you know who often helps others
Describe a famous person you are interested in
Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town
Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future
Describe an ideal house where you want to live
Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people
Describe a car journey that you remember well
Describe a talk/speech experience that you gave to a group of people
Describe an happy experience in your childhood
Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child
Describe an occasion when you got lost
Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future
Describe an important decision you have made
Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of money
Describe a book that you have read many times
Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger
Describe a film you have recently seen that you felt disappointed about
Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life
Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing
Describe a sports program you like to watch
Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy
Describe an interesting job you would like to do
Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with
Describe a character from a film
Describe a person you have met who you want to work / study with
Describe an interesting old person you met
Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time
Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax
Describe a noisy place you have been to
Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted
Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall / park)
Describe an unusual meal you had
Describe something that you did with someone / a group of people
Describe the first day you went to school that you remember
Describe a time when you taught a friend / relative something
Describe a time when you missed or late for a meeting
Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use
Describe a historical period you would like to know more
Describe a website you often visit
Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well
Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy
You should say:
What it is
When it is
What you do to celebrate it
Who you celebrate it with
And explain why you enjoy celebrating it
说到节日的话题 大家普遍会觉得比较陌生涉及的表达比较麻烦 但其实节日如spring festival 春节 lantern festival 元宵节mid autumn festival中秋节等也是日常生活的一部分 大家依然可以结合自己熟悉的日常内容来组织 如重点放在食物上 主要通过美食 traditional delicacy来扩展 如dumpling zongzi moon cake 同时结合自己家的食物如hotpot / barbecue 等 除此之外也可以补充一些熟悉的日常习俗如贴春联 decorate our doors with spring couplets 放烟花 set off fireworks 年夜饭 new year eve feast 收压岁钱 receive the red packet with lucky money inside 等 再结合自己的具体情况和感受 即可丰富自己的回答!
Many people aim to achieve the balance between their work and life, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of the problems? How to overcome it?
今天考察的是报告类的题型。问的是原因和解决措施。 这边在原因部分建议大家往更客观的层面去写。可以写现在的人口增多导致了就业压力变大,所以大家可能会在工作上付出更多的时间为了不被别人取代。或者也可以写现在的生活成本比较高,尤其是在一些大城市,这使得一些人可能会打好多份工为了来保持收支平衡。
passage1 新西兰的纪录片制作人
passag2 Mammoth Kill 猛犸象
题型配比:summary 7+特殊定位词匹配6
114. hunting 15. overkill model 16. disease/hyperdisease 17. empirical evidence 18. climatic instability 19. geographical ranges 20. Younger Dryas event
21-26 特殊定位词匹配
分析:今天的阅读P2 命中机经速递1的猛犸象,本身也是一篇考过多次的文章,且在今年的4月1号已经考过了,所以大家不要觉得考过的文章同年就不会重复考哦。这篇次考距离现在已经有十多年了,可见雅思官方还是非常“念旧”的。作为考试的第二篇,整篇的难度其实不高,填空题给了几个好定位的特殊定位词,降低了定位的难度,特殊定位词匹配本身就属于好定位的匹配题,相信抱着会在第二篇遇上段落细节匹配或是段落小标题匹配的同学,看到这篇会感叹自己今天的考运真的不错。
passage3 解密记忆力